Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Carpet Cleaners

I am so mad at the carpet cleaning people!!

Maya doesn't mind if I put her in her kennel as long as I'm in the room with her.  If I put her in her kennel and go into another room, she cries and cries until I come back.

The carpet cleaners were supposed to come this morning, so I had to put Maya in the bathroom when I left for work.  Normally, I put her in her kennel and head straight out the door.  If she hears me leave, she knows I'm not ignoring her and doesn't cry.  But if she's in the bathroom, she doesn't know if I leave the house or not; she only knows that I put her up and I'm somewhere in the house ignoring her.  She cried and cried and cried.  I felt so bad, but there wasn't anything I could do.  I just kept telling myself she would be ok and that it was a one-time thing.

When I got home around 1:00 pm, the carpet cleaners had not been there.  I was so mad because I made Maya cry for no reason!! If they had arrived right then, I probably would have screamed at them.  I know they don't know I have a puppy and that she would be crying, but when you make an appointment, keep it!!

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