Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Puppy Lesson #2 -- Socks

Today, Maya would like to share her tips for successfully stealing socks: 

First, find a good hiding spot.  This needs to be a place the socks will fit, but it is not necessary for you to fit into the hiding spot.  You'll need a way to get your socks in and out quickly, so be sure you can easily get a paw into the space.  If you're a small dog, you have the advantage that your paws are smaller than your person's arm.  Use this to your advantage.

Next, locate socks.  It helps if your person doesn't notice you hunting for the socks.  You can distract her by playing quietly with a toy for a couple of minutes.  That way when you quietly start your hunt, she'll think you're still playing with the toy.  Take as many socks as you can possibly find, and quickly and quietly get them into the hiding spot you previously identified.  Sacrifice quickness for quietness if necessary.  Depending on your size, you may have to take one sock at a time.  That's ok, just stay quiet while you do it so you don't draw any attention to yourself while you go back for the remaining socks.  If there are a lot of socks and it will take you more than a couple of minutes, you might also want to make a quick appearance in front of your person so she doesn't get curious and start looking for you.  Just take the toy you were playing with earlier and play with it in front of her for a few minutes before going back to your sock hunting/hiding.

Finally, play with/chew socks.  You'll have to do this in the open.  Whatever you do, do not do this near your hiding place.  We all know you'll get caught eventually, either because your person will see you or because you're being too quiet and your person will go looking for you.  Either way, if you're near your hiding spot when you get caught, you'll lose all your socks.  If you do this elsewhere, one sock will get taken away, but you still have the rest safely in your hiding spot. 

I hope this helps some of you puppies out there enjoy your socks a little while longer.  Happy hunting!

- Maya

Monday, April 11, 2011

Coming Home

If you read my previous post, then you know Maya had her first doggy day care experience this weekend.  It was really hard to leave her, but I knew she would be fine at the one I ended up picking.  So we packed up her bed, food, and some toys and headed out on Saturday morning.  She was fine when we walked in, but it wasn't long before she figured out that I would be leaving without her. 

Since Maya was refusing to leave with their staff, they had me walk her to her "suite."  They had offered her a treat when we got there, but Maya had refused to take it from them.  I had taken it for her, and when we got to her "suite," I set it down in the back and walked out, hoping to convince her to go in.  She looked at the treat, then up at me, ran into the room and grabbed the treat, and ran back out with it in her mouth!  She eventually did go into her room, but she wasn't happy about it.

I picked her up the following day.  A staff member went to get her as I was paying the bill and going over her report card.  They told me she hadn't really eaten, but everything else had been fine -- she played well with two other small dogs and went on a total of 5 walks with a lot of exploring.  They all said they loved her and she listened/obeyed commands very well, was super sweet, and incredibly cute. 

When we got home (finally!), she grabbed a bite to eat and then was out.  She slept for hours, the way she only does when I've completely worn her out with a really long walk or lots of playing.  I figure she either didn't sleep all night, or they completely wore her out.  I'm hoping it was the latter and she had a really good time.  I hope I don't have to leave her anywhere again, but I'm sure I will eventually.  At least now I know she'll have a good time and will be well taken care of.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Doggy Day Care

Maya will be making her first trip to doggy day care tomorrow.  We went and checked out about 5 or 6 places today.  At the first one, Maya hit behind my legs, shaking the whole time.  At the second one, she peeped her head out from behind me.  By the third one, she was jumping on the staff begging for treats!  I think she finally figured out she wasn't being left anywhere.

After running around all afternoon, we finally found a place I was comfortable leaving her.  This will be the first time she's left somewhere where people are not hurting her (boosters, surgery) or making her look funny (groomer), and I hope she has a good time.

Update coming in a couple of days.  Wish us luck!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Puppy Lessons

I've decided that from time to time, I'll let Maya pass along some of the lessons she's learned to other puppies in need. 

Today, puppy lesson #1 -- Let's say you're really tired and want to take a nap.  However, you're scared that if you fall asleep, your person will want to go out, leaving you behind.  How do you get your beauty rest without risking being left at home?  

Easy, just use your person's purse as a pillow!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Doggy Tricks

I hate to admit it, but this dog listens to me better than my dog. 


At least it's cute.  ;)