Friday, May 20, 2011

New Toys!

I've realized that Maya is like most puppies, meaning she's like a little kid.  And like little kids, she loves getting new toys.  I took her for a haircut a couple of days ago, and unfortunately, I didn't realize until late that night that her ears were lopsided.  :/  I was not happy about having to go back the next day, and she was even less thrilled.  She hates going to the groomer, but I figured a new toy might make it better.  So while I waited for them to finish up evening her out, I decided to take a look around the store.

I've been thinking about getting Maya something new for a while now, but I hadn't decided what.  She already has balls and ropes and other random stuff, and I can't give her any stuffed toys because she tears them open and eats the stuffing.  And that when I stumbled upon the stuffless stuffed animals.  They had the cutest little fox, and I just knew Maya would love it.  I went ahead and got it for her, and I was right, she LOVED it.  In fact, once we got it home, she didn't put it down for almost 2 hours!!  She "hunted" it, dragged it around the house, chewed it up, tried to shake the stuffing out of it (someone beat her to that one!), and everything else dogs do to their toys.  Then she comforted it.  :)

Look what I caught!!

Please be ok! Please be ok! Please be ok!