Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Well, I talked to the vet earlier this evening and Maya is doing great (insert sigh of relief here).  She'll be home tomorrow.  I can pick her up anytime after 7:30 am, but I'll probably sleep in.....I'll probably pick her up around 8:00 am.  :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Getting Ready....

So tomorrow is the big day -- Maya is getting fixed.  I know it's for the best, but I can't help but worry.  Part of me thinks it's evil to keep her from ever becoming a mommy, but another part of me thinks it's even more evil to let her become a mommy and then take her babies away. 

I know she doesn't know what's going on, and that worries me too.  I know that she's going to cry when I leave her at the vet's because she'll think I'm leaving her.  The vet will be keeping her overnight, so leaving her bed and favorite toys with her will only add to this belief.  I also know that she will cry at night.  She hasn't spent a night away from me since I got her, so I'm not positive as to how she will react, but something just tells me she's going to cry. 

And then there's the night before, tonight.  She can't eat or drink after 8:00 pm.  She never eats all her food at once; she's more of a grazer.  I was worried that she's eat some of her food early, and then be starving at 8:30 or something like that and that I wouldn't be able to give her anything.  But for some reason, she gobbled up most of her dinner tonight in one sitting. 

Maybe this is a good sign; a sign that I'm just worrying too much.  I hope so.  Anyways, I'll write an update on her tomorrow.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Help Me Mommy!

This is probably evil, but I find it funny that Maya is scared of some of the things she's scared of.  I completely understand being scared of the hair drier, blender, and mixer.  But how is it that she's not scared of the vacuum?  She's also not scared of cats, dogs (as long as they're not too big), birds, and squirrels.  But stick a stuffed animal in front of her and she freaks out.  For some reason, she's also scared of hats.  That one really confuses me.  I have to keep my hats out of sights or she's terrified.  Weird.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New Clothes

Maya really needed a haircut, so she went to the groomer yesterday.  One of my pet peeves is dogs with bows and clothes, especially on my dog.  The clothes can't be comfortable, and I'm pretty sure she would eat the bows.  So yesterday, I asked them not to put any bows on Maya, and they didn't.  However, they did put a little bandana on her, and she looked so cute!!  Here's a pic:

I decided to keep the bandana on her until her next bath next week.  Well, Maya had other ideas.  This was the last picture of her I got with the bandana on.  By 11:00 am the following morning (today), this is what she looked like:

Apparently, the bandana is now one of Maya's new chew toys.  I tried to get it back on her, but she wanted no part of that.  Oh well.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Scary Box

I finally tired of having Maya's toys all over the living room and constantly tripping on them, so I made her a toy box.  Nothing exciting, just a cardboard box that I put her toys into like this:

Now here's the funny part -- Maya is scared of the box!  I first had the box lying flat, but realized that she couldn't get her toys out.  So I decided to lean it against the wall.  The only problem with this is that it moves when she tries to grab a toy, and that's what scares her.  I'm not sure, but I think she thinks it's trying to attack her.  

So what does she do if she wants one of the toys?  She slowly sneaks up on the box, the quickly tries to snatch it out of the box before it attacks her.  She usually doesn't get it, but manages to move it closer to the edge.  She repeats this until the toy is free from the clutches of the evil box.  If she can't get the toy, like if it's at the bottom or the box keeps moving, she'll finally give up and bark at it until I come help her. 

It's cute, but this whole toy box thing isn't working like I imagined.  At least she no longer feels like she has to rescue all her toys from the box as soon as I put them in there.  I think once she's not scared of it anymore I'll try to teach her to put her toys in there on her own.....

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Attack of the Killer Leash

One of Maya's favorite toys is actually her leash.  She loves to roll around on the ground with it, chew on it, drag it around.  No matter what she's doing, she will eventually get all tangled up in it and it ends up looking like they were wrestling.  Sometimes she wins, sometimes the leash wins.  Here's sample of a wrestling match from a few weeks ago:

Monday, November 1, 2010

Security Blanket

Just thought this was really cute.  Yes, she's asleep.  And yes, that is a towel.