Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Getting Ready....

So tomorrow is the big day -- Maya is getting fixed.  I know it's for the best, but I can't help but worry.  Part of me thinks it's evil to keep her from ever becoming a mommy, but another part of me thinks it's even more evil to let her become a mommy and then take her babies away. 

I know she doesn't know what's going on, and that worries me too.  I know that she's going to cry when I leave her at the vet's because she'll think I'm leaving her.  The vet will be keeping her overnight, so leaving her bed and favorite toys with her will only add to this belief.  I also know that she will cry at night.  She hasn't spent a night away from me since I got her, so I'm not positive as to how she will react, but something just tells me she's going to cry. 

And then there's the night before, tonight.  She can't eat or drink after 8:00 pm.  She never eats all her food at once; she's more of a grazer.  I was worried that she's eat some of her food early, and then be starving at 8:30 or something like that and that I wouldn't be able to give her anything.  But for some reason, she gobbled up most of her dinner tonight in one sitting. 

Maybe this is a good sign; a sign that I'm just worrying too much.  I hope so.  Anyways, I'll write an update on her tomorrow.

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