Saturday, December 4, 2010

Trick Doors

I'm in the middle of finals, so it's been up to Maya to entertain herself lately.  She usually does ok, but eventually she'll come jump in my lap or on my books.  That's her way of telling me to play with her.  It's also my hint to step away from the books for a few minutes and get some fresh air or just relax.

Yesterday, I noticed that she was being really quiet.  I looked around and even called her name, but nothing.  There's absolutely no way she can get outside, so I wasn't worried about that, but I figured she must have gotten into something and didn't want to fess up.  Or she found a partial treat she hid somewhere along the way. 

I gave up and headed to the bathroom.  When I opened the door, there she was, looking up at me oh so innocently.  Apparently the bathroom door was a little open and she walked in.  Then she closed the door behind her and was stuck.  The surprising part was that she didn't make a sound.  I figure she must have been in there a good 10 minutes, but there was no barking, crying, whimpering, or even scratching at the door.  And since the light was turned off and there are no windows in that bathroom, I guess she just sat in the dark that whole time.

Today, she disappeared again.  This time, I heard the bathroom door close.  About 20 seconds later, she was barking.  I guess she figured out I would be glad to let her out, just as soon as she let me know she was stuck.  I wonder how many more times this will play out before she decides there's really nothing interesting in there...

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