Friday, December 17, 2010

Thieving Puppy

Like most dogs, Maya is a thief.  Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately for me), she's not a very good thief.  She's still a puppy, so I expect her to get into things she's not supposed to, but I swear she'd get away with so much more if she were just a little sneaky about it.

For example, she loves socks.  I don't know if it's because they're soft or fit perfectly in her mouth or just smell really good, but she absolutely loves them.  Whenever she can get her teeth on one, which is more often than I'd like, she takes off running with it in her mouth.  I can't actually catch her, so I either have to trade the sock for a Cheerio or wait for her to get tired of it and set it down.  And since she actually chews on it, and I don't want hole-y socks, she gets a Cheerio.

The reason I say she could get away with more if she were a little sneaky is that she takes off running every time!  If she would just go about her business like normal, even walk away and go sit in a corner, it would take me a lot longer to realize she had something, and she'd keep whatever she had that much longer.  As it is now, if she takes off running, I immediately go see what she's gotten into.

A while back, an out-of-town friend came to stay for a few days so we could attend a mutual friend's wedding.  One night, she left her things in the corner by her suitcase, but didn't put anything inside of it.  After a few minutes, we both see Maya head in that direction and start sniffing around.  Since she wasn't actually in my friend's things, we left her alone.  Not a minute later, she takes off running.  Knowing this is "the sign," I went after her to see what she got, and what do I see but my friend's wedding ring in Maya's mouth!!  I trade her for a few Cheerios and get her ring back, and my friend packed up her stuff and put everything inside the suitcase.

So while Maya is a thief, I guess I should be happy that she's still a bad thief.  If she were any sneakier, I might have been mailing the wedding ring back a few days later.

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