Thursday, March 31, 2011

Stop It!

I don't know what's going on, but Maya has been driving me crazy!  For some reason, she insists on chewing on things she's not supposed to chew on.  I know puppies like to chew on things, that's why she has chew toys. 

Lately, she's decided that her toys are no longer fun and she'd rather chew on my things.  Yesterday, she destroyed a nail file; Tuesday, she attacked a crochet hook; Monday, she chewed a pencil to bits; Sunday, she got a hold of a pen.  I forget what she got into before that.  And before you say I should keep a better eye on her or keep things out of her reach, all of this happened while I was in the shower, and I thought I had put everything out of her reach. 

I'm not sure what I'm going to do, but I have to find a way to stop this.  She never used to chew on my things, but it looks like that's changing.  I need to find a way to stop this behavior before it gets out of hand.  Any suggestions?

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