Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hunger Strike

Maya seems to be on a little bit of a hunger strike lately.  When she hurt her leg, I couldn't get her to eat anything for 4 days.  Because I needed her to eat now so she could get well, I spoiled her with some wet dog food.  Since then, I've been mixing the wet food with her normal dry food, with a little less wet each day. 

Everything was going well until the snow storm hit.  I ran out of the wet food on Wednesday, so starting Thursday she only had her regular dry food, and she refused to eat it.  Throughout the day, she would go up to her bowl and smell her food, then walk away.  I figured she would eat it eventually; she just had to get hungry enough.  Apparently that didn't happen on Thursday.  Her hunger strike lasted until about 1:00 on Friday, when I guess she realized that she wasn't going to get anything else.  She cleaned out her bowl, but then was back on the hunger strike that night. 

The hunger strike continued until about 10:00 this morning, when I got in the shower.  I had left a sleeve of saltines on the coffee table which I incorrectly assumed she could not get to.  When I got out of the shower, the wrapper was in her mouth and there were cracker crumbs everywhere.  I don't think she actually ate too many of them, but she did eat enough for her to realize she was hungry.  She gave in and ate most of her food.

I was originally planning on phasing out the wet food over the next week or so, but it looks like she's back on her regular food, so I will not be buying any more of the wet food.  I'm sure she'll be disappointed, but she won't starve.  Plus, she's a dog -- she'll forget all about the good stuff in a day or two.

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