Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, New Home

A couple of weeks ago, I noticed that Maya really needed a new, bigger kennel.  I knew she would need one eventually, but I wanted to hold off until I was sure that she was gone growing.  Well, last week I decided that I couldn't make her wait any longer.  That's when I noticed that she had to hunch down to get in, and pretty much stay in that position.  She couldn't stand up and she couldn't stretch out.  I know, bad mommy. 

So last week, in honor of the new year, she got a new kennel.  She hasn't spent a lot of time in it, mainly because I've been home a lot lately.  The first day, she just kind of looked at it and didn't know what to make of it.  The following day, she decided to go inside it and try to hide a treat by digging through the plastic floor.  She used to try that with her old kennel too.  It didn't work there either.  By the third day, she was going in there and chilling every now and then.  I think she liked that she could stand up straight in there, with a couple of inches to spare. 

Yesterday was the first day that I put her in and left her there.  I ran to the store and was back in about 30 - 40 minutes.  When I came back, I could hear her crying as I walked to the door.  I don't know if she was crying the whole time I was gone, or if she just started when she heard my car.  Either way, poor puppy!  She was not liking the new kennel.  She didn't like when I put her in her old one (I assume because it was cramped), but she didn't cry either.  I wonder if the extra space somehow scares her....?  Does she not feel as secure and safe now?  I'm sure she'll get used to it in a couple of days, but in the meantime, it breaks my heart.  :(

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