Saturday, August 21, 2010

And the Adventure Begins!

Yesterday was puppy pick-up day.  I went and picked up my new yorkie/poodle mix puppy and headed home. 

I knew that I would eventually fall in love with her, but I didn't expect her to pull at my heart strings so soon.  Obviously she doesn't know me, so she was scared and shaking when first put in my arms.  I sat down with her in my arms and talked softly to her, hoping she'd calm down.  She eventually did, but I knew right there that this was going to be harder than I imagined.

When we got home, she wouldn't come near me.  She started exploring the house, but would run away if I came near her.  I knew that it was because she still didn't know if I was safe or not, but it was still tough.  I was given a bag of puppy food when I picked her up, so I figured I'd entice her with food.  That didn't work.  I was also given a chew toy, but that didn't work either.  She didn't want food, she didn't want water, she didn't want me.  I think she just wanted her mom and sisters, the only thing I couldn't give her.

We got home kind of late, so it wasn't long before we went to bed.  I decided that she would sleep in her kennel until she was housebroken.  She didn't like the kennel and didn't like being alone, and she cried and cried.  I'd been told not to let her out the first night or she would never learn to sleep on own.  I didn't know she'd cry that long. 

Today, my brother and sister-in-law came to meet her, and they brought along their bulldog, Amos.  He's about 4 months old and really playful.  Unfortunately, the puppy was not having anything to do with him.  She basically hid behind me the whole time he (Amos) was in the house.  When my brother took him outside, she walked over to my sister-in-law and started running around and playing.  Looks like she's starting to get used to things, but we might have to work on getting along with other dogs. 

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