Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Broken Puppy

Well, it finally happened -- I broke my puppy.  :(

Ok, so I didn't actually break her, but I feel bad anyways.  When I left home on Thursday morning, she was perfectly fine.  When I came home that afternoon, she wasn't.  She stays in her kennel when I'm gone and will run out when when I open her door, running circles around the living room and practically jumping into my arms.  On this particular day, I opened the door, and she walked out very slowly.  Then I noticed she was limping.  I checked her over, but couldn't find anything wrong with her.

We ended up at the vet's office where x-rays showed a break in her rear leg.  She came home with a cast that day and had surgery the following afternoon.  She slept a lot the first couple of days, but is getting back to her normal self. 

Through it all, Maya has been a trooper.  When I found out her leg was actually broken, I was amazed that she hadn't cried at all.  She even let me (and the vet) touch and manipulate her leg without so much as a whimper.  She was putting weight on it by Saturday, and today I've already had to stop her from running and jumping.

She looks pretty pathetic with her shaved leg and cone head, almost like she's ashamed.  I wouldn't want to embarrass her even more by posting a picture, so here's one with her little cast.

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